Thursday, 7 June 2018

Recount: My first gymnastics competition

Walking onto the floor getting ready to do your first trick was nerve racking but existing at the same time wait what was my score? oh wow gold thats the best you can get moving on to all of the apparatus's was so amazing getting two golds and one red 
it was that moment I knew this is what I wanted to do with my life. 

My Dog

My dog is called Mini she is a sisu. Mini is very hyper and very cute she has a squashed up face. She loves to play and have fun, she also likes to cuddle. Mini is the best dog in the world.


Recount: Cross Country

On your marks get set go! Running and running up the street and soon down then hearing the roar of support from the school GO MOLLY. Wait I'm coming 1st wow. all I think is keep running keep running and I do until I cross the finish line yes... I WON!