Do you know what the unicorn of the sea is? Well it has a horn like a unicorn, It’s a Narwhal!
Narwhals are exotic creatures with smooth silver maktaaq (that means skin), they swim through the ocean with a magestacil horn, like a unicorn! So have you heard of a Narwhal? If you haven't swim along with me and you’ll see just how awesome Narwhals are.
But Narwhals don’t swim in just any waters, the can be found in the cold ocean waters of Canada, Greenland, Norway and Russia. These waters are perfect for the Narwhals because they have so much blubber it takes up 40% of their mass!
But what do Narwhals eat to give them the knowledge and strength so that half of their brain is awake when the other is asleep! Let's find out. A proper diet of a Narwhal is squid, Greenland halibut, shrimp and flounder this keeps them healthy and strong so they can stay underwater for 29 minutes!
Narwhals are very endangered because people want their magestacle horns. They also have killer whales predators but mainly us humans are the ones who are endangering them. But on the bright side they also reproduce, Female narwhals are pregnant for 14 months and always give birth in spring. Their Calfs 1.5 meters long! Like humans Narwhals can give birth to more than one calf. Narwhals give birth to a calf once every three years.
Narwhals are amazing creatures that we shouldn’t hunt or poach just because we want their beautiful horn for artifacts. because once we wipe out the Narwhals you can never bring them back.
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